9.50 Distribution Of Literature And Materials To Students

I. Literature or materials which originate from out-of-school sources shall be approved by the Superintendent or designee prior to district-wide distribution to students or by the principal prior to school-wide distribution.

I. Any literature or materials distributed must be:

A. free of pornography and content prohibited under Florida Statute 847.012;

B. free of content depicting sexual conduct unless otherwise permitted by Florida Statute 1006.28;

C. appropriate for the grade level and age group for which the materials are made available;

D. suited to the needs of students and their ability to comprehend the material presented; and

E. comply with state standards, administrative rules, and statutes. This includes consideration of the accurate portrayal of the state’s broad racial, ethnic, socioeconomic, and cultural diversity without bias or indoctrination.

II. Principals will be permitted to post promotional literature about activities and events of particular interest and educational benefit to students.

Statuary Authority

Law(s) Implemented



1001.42(4), F.S.

1001.43(5), 1006.08, F.S. 

ADOPTED: 08/21/01

REVISION DATE(S): 11/06/18, 02/20/2024