9.10 Parent Organizations and School Support Groups

Each school principal is encouraged to cooperate with parent and school support groups in the District. The school principal shall be responsible for forming and assisting organizations which are desired and necessary for the school program; such organizations shall be kept active by the school principal for the duration of their need and encouraged to maintain accurate financial and activity records.

Each parent organization and school support group shall follow Policy 7.41 and the guidelines and procedures in the District’s School Support Organization Guidelines and Checklist. This document is reviewed annually and sent out to Principals at the start of each school year.

Statuary Authority

Law(s) Implemented



1001.41(2), 1001.42(17), F.S.

1001.42(17),1001.43(5), F.S. 

ADOPTED: 08/21/01

REVISION DATE(S): 11/06/18, 11/2023