8.51 Renovations,Remodeling or Additions of Facilities by Booster

I. Parent groups, school staff and civic associations often raise funds to make improvements to various school board facilities. Such changes are regulated by building codes, Florida State Department of Education rules, School Board rules, district Construction Guidelines, and Florida Statutes. In addition, these changes often have cost implications on maintenance, energy usage and inhibitions to future site construction. The change or addition always poses questions regarding The School Board’s liability for the facilities as any deviation from State Regulations would be a factor in a damage suit, if the change in facility was related to a personal injury.

II. When a project is being considered at any existing facility, the following procedures shall be followed:

A. A description of the proposed project, including an approximation of the expected cost, the fund-raising timeline, and the project execution timeline shall be submitted to the school principal for review and approval.

B. Full funding for the design costs, construction and any other related costs must be identified.

C. If the principal is in agreement, he / she shall submit the request through the Facility Manager to the Capital Projects Team [CPT] for coordination.

  1. If the project requires funding from the District, CPT will consult with the Director of Finance to determine feasibility and availability of funds.

  2. Should a booster club, PTA, or other school affiliated group be supplying the funds, the Superintendent must be informed.

  3. All projects must comply with the Florida Building Code, State Requirements for Educational Facilities, School Board rules, district Construction Guidelines, and Florida Statutes.

  4. If the project will affect the student capacity of the school, approval of the Superintendent is required.

D. Prior to an installation or construction, a detailed design must be submitted to the Construction Department. The content of this request shall include a detailed project description and a statement regarding the method of funding. Plans and / or specifications shall be reviewed by the Facilities, Technology, Safety & Security, Construction and other affected departments.

  1. Plans and specifications must be submitted for review for compliance with State Laws, applicable permits and accessed for the impact upon the maintenance and energy usage of the facilities and inhibitions to future site construction. Project timelines must anticipate a sixty (60) day review and authorization period to enable the plans and specifications to be reviewed by the affected departments and for subsequent approval of the Superintendent or School Board.

  2. Upon approval, the project shall contain a work schedule to facilitate inspections by the Construction Department.

  3. Projects funded entirely by booster clubs, PTA or other school affiliated groups, may be managed by the “respective” group during the bid/proposal/construction process. The School Board encourages “good governance” practices including competitive pricing submitted in sealed envelopes, opened at a designated time publicly in the presence of at least the school principal, the president of the parent group, a representative of the purchasing department, construction department, or facilities department, and the designing architect/engineer, if applicable.

E. In the event the project’s construction cost is expected to exceed fifty thousand dollars ($50,000.00), impact the structure or exiting discharge, impact a life safety or other system, or in the sole discretion of the school district be sufficiently complicated to merit professional support, a registered architect/registered professional engineer must be engaged to design, prepare, and “seal” the necessary construction documents in accordance with State Law and permitting requirements.

F. When compliance with the aforementioned requirements has been established, PTA, booster club, or other school affiliated group will receive written authorization to proceed from the Director of Construction.

  1. If the project is in part funded by the School District, the supporting group will then submit a check to the School Board to cover all costs. All such projects will be overseen by a Project Manager.

  2. If the project is fully funded by the sponsoring organization, a liaison will be assigned to support the project.

G. All inspections shall be made by the Construction Department’s Permitting Division.

H. Upon completion, the project will be processed for acceptance by the School Board at one of its regularly scheduled meetings.

Statuary Authority

Law(s) Implemented

State Board of Education Rules



1001.41(2), 1001.42(11), F.S.

1001.43(4),(5), 1013.35, 1013.45, F.S.


ADOPTED: 08/21/01

REVISION DATE(S): 02/15/11, 11/06/18