7.25 Grant Management

I. The Superintendent shall seek grant funds to expand the financial capabilities of the District and provide additional resources to enhance educational opportunities and to support student learning and performance.

II. All grant monies awarded to the District shall be used in accordance with applicable federal and state laws and rules, grantor rules, and School Board policies.

III. For projects utilizing federal funds, the District shall adhere to the requirements of Uniform Grant Guidance (UGG). In the event that state requirements are more stringent than federal requirements, state mandates shall be followed.

IV. The Superintendent shall develop procedures for grant administration that include but are not limited to

A. Application process for grant funds including School Board approval;

B. Procurement of materials and equipment;

C. Standard of conduct including conflict of interest;

D. Property control;

E. Cash management;

F. Record maintenance;

G. Financial reporting;

H. Protection of personally identifiable information; and

I. Internal evaluation of accomplishments as related to program goals.

NEW: 09/24/15, 11/6/18

Statuary Authority

Law(s) Implemented



1001.41, 1001.42, F.S.

1001.43, 1001.51, 1008.385, 1010.01, F.S.

2 CFR 200, 20 USC 7906

ADOPTED: 06/21/16