4.65 Virtual Instruction

I. The District shall provide various options for eligible students to participate in part-time or full time virtual instruction. Options may include

A. Online courses offered by the District

B. Online courses offered by another Florida school district;

C. Enrollment in Florida Virtual School; and

D. Enrollment with a virtual instruction provider approved by the Florida Department of Education.

II. To participate in virtual instruction, a student must meet the eligibility requirements set forth in state law.

III. At the beginning of each school year, the District shall notify parents and students regarding the right and choice to participate in virtual instruction. Notification shall include eligibility requirements, the options available to the student, and the courses offered by Florida Virtual School. These notifications will be made in accordance with state statutes and include:

A. Open Enrollment Notifications happen in February each year prior to the Open Enrollment window opening

B. Open enrollment in full time SVS extends from March 1 thru mid-July, satisfying the statute for it to be open for at least 90 days and closing 30 days prior to the start of the school year

C. Notification is sent out via our website, social media posts from the school district social media accounts, and brick and mortar notifications sent to registrars and school counselors

D. Eligibility requirements are posted in our annual info session as well as reviewed with parents in our 1 on 1 in-person registration meeting for all families

New: 04/02/19

Statuary Authority

Law(s) Implemented

State Board of Education State(s)



1001.41, 1001.42, F.S.

1001.42(23), 1002.20(6), 1002.321,

1002.37, 1002.45, 1002.455, 1003.02, 1003.4282,1003.498, 1011.62, F.S.

6A-6.0981, 6A-6.0982

ADOPTED: 09/06/16

REVISION DATE(S): 04/02/19, 01/2024