4.50 Student Clubs and Organizations Procedure


(1) All clubs and organizations must be approved by the principal before they can operate within a school, and must comply with the following procedures:

(a) membership in clubs and organizations shall be available to all students who qualify. Qualifications for membership shall be clearly stated in the club/organization bylaws approved by the principal.

the decision of the membership shall not be one of the factors in selecting additional members. Every student desiring membership in a club must be considered by the teacher sponsor or other faculty members designated by the principal shall make the final decision.

(b) The charter and constitution setting forth the purposes, qualifications for members, and the rules of conduct of each approved club or organization shall be kept on file and always available to all students, parents and instructional personnel of the school.

(c) Hazing of members is prohibited.

(d) If required, dues shall be reasonable and must be approved by the principal.

(e) All meetings shall be held on school property in school facilities. This may be waived for special meetings and events upon the request of the faculty sponsor and approval of the principal.

(f) A faculty sponsor shall be present at all meetings and activities, and all social events shall be adequately chaperoned.

(f) All monies accruing to any school clubs or organizations shall be accounted for through the internal accounting system of the school.

(g) No club or organization shall carry on any activity or act in any way which is in violation of the law, the policies of the school board, or the policies of the local school.

(h) Any club or organization of a school which engages in an initiation ceremony of its members shall prepare and submit its program of initiation exercises to the faculty sponsor of the club or organization for review and approval by the principal of the school.
