3.47 Animals on Campus

I. Animals may be allowed on a school campus under the following conditions:

A. The presence of the animal(s) is related to the curriculum and significantly contributes to the instructional program.

B. The animal(s) does not present a danger to students or staff.

C. The animal is kept in an appropriate cage or container or on a leash or other restraint.

D. The length of time the animal(s) may be on campus is specifically designated. Animals shall not remain on the premises of a school during periods when such school is not in session, unless adequate care is provided for such animals.

E. Animals are housed and cared for in a humane and safe manner.

F. The principal has approved the presence of the animal(s) on campus.

II. Parents shall be notified in advance that an animal(s) will be in the classroom or will be part of a class activity.

III. Any experiment involving an animal shall be under the supervision of a qualified teacher or expert in the field.

IV. The principal or designee shall be responsible for contacting local animal control authorities if any wild or stray animal(s) are found in a school building or on the school campus.

V. This policy does not apply to law enforcement canine units or approved assistance and therapy animals.

VI. School personnel shall follow the “Sarasota Guidelines for Visiting/Resident Animals in the Classroom” for having animals on campus.

Statuary Authority

Law(s) Implemented



1001.41, 1001.42, F.S.

1001.32, 1001.43(4), 1003.47, 1006.07, 1006.09, F.S.

ADOPTED: 04/20/10

REVISION DATE(S): 12/10/18


Refer to: Sarasota Guidelines for Visiting/Resident Animals in the Classroom