3.42 Alcohol, Alcoholic Beverages,Mood-Modifying Or Controlled Substance On Board Property

No person shall be in possession of or be under the influence of an intoxicating beverage or an illegal mood or behavior-modifying or controlled substance, as defined by Federal Law or Florida Statutes, while on school property, at school- sponsored activities, or while on school trips involving students.

I. All principals are hereby directed to advise an individual who has an alcoholic beverage in his/her possession to leave the school premises immediately.

II. Any person having purchased an admission ticket to a school event shall forfeit his/her rights under this rule by having an alcoholic beverage in his/her possession at the event.

III. Any person who has been given notice by a school official and either fails to leave the premises or leaves but returns to the premises in possession of an alcoholic beverage, shall be deemed a trespasser. The police or other proper law enforcement agency may be notified to arrest the trespasser.

IV. While on school-sponsored trips, the following action may become necessary:

A. Alcoholic beverages in possession of minors will be seized.

B. Students and/or adults in possession of alcoholic beverages will not be permitted to participate on the trip and may be sent back and/or other appropriate action taken.

Statuary Authority

Law(s) Implemented



1001.41(2), 1001.42, F.S

1001.43, 1012.22, 1012.27, F.S. 

ADOPTED: 08/21/01

REVISION DATE(S): 05/17/05, 12/10/18