3.40 Campus Disorders and Trespassing

I. All individuals entering a school campus who are not a student in good standing, a teacher, or an employee of the school board assigned to the school shall be required to first register at the school office and obtain a visitor’s pass or otherwise receive permission for access to school grounds. Prior to leaving the school grounds any person registered as a visitor shall notify the school office of their departure.

II. A student who is suspended or expelled is not in good standing and is not permitted on the school campus, school grounds or school sponsored events regardless of the location.

III. This policy shall apply not only during school hours, but at any time students in good standing, teachers, employees and other such persons are on the school campus or school grounds and shall also apply for all school activities which are held after school hours.

IV. Any person on a school campus or school grounds not in accordance with this policy is hereby declared to be a trespasser and shall be asked to register at the office or leave immediately by any staff member. Each principal shall keep a log of all persons asked to leave and other pertinent information. This information shall be immediately shared with the Department of Safety, Security and Emergency Management. If said person shall again be seen upon the school campus, school grounds, or school sponsored events, any staff member shall immediately notify the principal or appropriate local law enforcement officials without further warning.

V. Individuals who enter school board property and create a disturbance or refuse to leave the property when asked by the principal or person in charge are subject to criminal penalty as provided in Florida Statutes. The principal shall contact appropriate law enforcement officials in cases of disruptive activity or refusal to leave the school grounds and take appropriate action to have the offender punished as prescribed by law, and a trespass warning may be issued in accordance with Policy 3.401, if applicable. The appropriate District level administrator shall be notified immediately of any such action and shall be responsible for informing the Superintendent.

VI. No person, except law enforcement officers, may have in his/her possession any weapon, illegal substance, or dangerous substance while on school property or at school-sponsored events. School administrators will transfer any weapon, illegal substance, or dangerous substance to law enforcement as soon as practical.

Statuary Authority

Law(s) Implemented



1001.41, 1001.42,1001.43(5), F.S.

810.097, 1001.372(3), 1001.43(5), 1001.51,

1006.07, 1006.062, 1006.145, 1006.21, F.S.

ADOPTED: 08/21/01

REVISION DATE(S): 10/07/03, 12/10/18, 01/2024