2.20 Responsibilities and Authority of the Board

The School Board is responsible for the organization and oversight of the public schools of the District and is empowered to determine the policies necessary for the effective operation and the general improvement of the school system. The School Board is a public corporate entity and may take action only when the Board is meeting in official public session and a quorum is present. The School Board shall limit its action to establishing policy and to meeting the requirements prescribed by laws and rules of the State Board of Education. Individual members of the School Board have authority to take official action only when sitting as a member of the School Board in public session except when the School Board specifically authorizes the member to act. The School Board shall not be bound in any way by any action on the part of an individual board member or an employee except when such statement or action is in compliance with the public action of the School Board.

Statuary Authority

Law(s) Implemented



1001.41; 1001.42, 1001.43(10) F.S.

1001.31; 1001.363; 1001.372(1);; 1001.41; 1003.02, F.S.

Adopted: 08/21/01

Revision Date(s): 09/16/03,


Formerly: 1.203